Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Reason Behind My Anger

I don't think I will ever understand. I don't think I will ever stop getting angry when i click on these things even though I KNOW BETTER!!!!

See here is the thing. I never used to be how I am now. Crazy, weird, hippie, rebel, against the grain. I used to be like everyone else. I went to my OB's office. I got induced when they said I needed too. I didn't ask questions, I didn't ask more then what they told me. That made me excited that I got to meet my son early! I had my ultra sounds, I got my epidural and pitocin and the cocktail of drugs that made my baby be born sleepy and poor at nursing. AND TO THINK I WAS OK WITH ALL THAT!

The next day after having my son the doctor came into our room and asked if we were going to circumcise. I looked at my hubby and said "I don't know...?" and he said yea and there you have it we signed the papers. I didn't know better and there I was saying I wasn't sure and my intuition was halting me to think but put on the spot I let my husband decide. They said they would have it done the next day before we went home.

We woke up in the night to the nurse saying that Koebe was hungry and needed to eat. I saw a pacifier in his cradle and asked why it was open when i said we are NOT going to use one of those....

"Well the doctor went ahead and did his circ in the middle of the night because they were slow. They like to give them to the babies when they are in pain" Something about that didnt feel right but there you have it. They took my son in the middle of the night and cut off his foreskin when he should have been sleeping peacefully with his mother being protected. I DIDNT PROTECT AND I WAS SO IGNORANT AND DIDNT KNOW ANY BETTER! I LISTENED TO THE DOCTORS AND I BELIEVED EVERYTHING THEY SAID.......

Did you watch that video? Did you even start it? I bet you couldn't watch long. And if you circd you probably didnt even have the balls to look. But you should because this is what you put your son through. This is what i put my first son through. ITS HEART WRENCHING...... SO THEN WHY THE HECK CAN YOU CONSENT TO THIS? I totally get people who don't know better. They think it's what you're supposed to do; that it has to be done. ****BUT PEOPLE WHO KNOW BETTER AND STILL DONT DO BETTER?!***** SHAME ON YOU! YOU KNOW ALL ABOUT THE RISKS AND INFO AND DID IT.... FOR WHY? Not because its cleaner, it is not. Not because it looks better, because let's face it that is a joke.


Why on earth would anyone want to inflict pain on their infant. I don't care if they cant remember having it done 10 years later. Your child still had to feel the worst pain of their life at only one day old. My son is "just fine" but guess what...He could still be perfect. (well i think he is perfect but NO his body is no longer intact) His right to his own body was taken from him. You know what? We are one of the lucky ones. Lots of boys are not so lucky. Lots of little boys get botched circumcisions. They have issues like adhesions where their mother has to rip the skin down that tries to re-grow. There are other issues like skin bridges, erectile dysfunction later in life and even outcomes as bad as staph infections and death. out of five friends that I can think of off the top of my head that circd, All but one have adhesion issues, one sons is completely botched (the one that doesn't have adhesion issues, lucky him!) one screamed and was inconsolable for days, and one had to be done twice. Get a grip people this is genital mutilation. I will personally see in my life time that this becomes illegal! Out of all my informed friends who left their sons intact do you want to know how many have issues? NONE!


I was wrong and you were too if you consented to this barbaric procedure. Its time people start admitting it. I understand that having this attitude may not change minds but my goodness living with the regret is awful. Having these triggers is awful and watching people go ahead and ignore the fact that their childs has rights is down right infuriating! That is ABUSE. CHILD/SEXUAL/PHYSICAL ABUSE. This is not a choice to be made by the parent but a choice to be made by the owner of the body: THE HUMAN BEING.
On the bright happy side. I have recieved message after message from mothers and friends that have thanked me for speaking out. Thanked be because now they are aware of what circ really is and they will leave their sons intact. I have friends who had girls and say they are so glad because before they knew me they probably would have cut. I have friends who didnt listen to me and went ahead and did it again then came back to say they wished they would have listened. Those people are the reason that i am able to fight this fight. The fight protecting those who have rights and cannot speak. I cant save them all but i will never give up. If i have in some way helped you come to the choice to leave your son intact i would love to know.
I apologize for the anger and heat behind this post but this has got to stop. The cycle of abuse ends with me.

I was lucky enough to give birth to a second son. Born peacefully on his own time at 42 wks. He was born at home in the water. He was left intact. At 8 months old he is still breastfed and will also wean on his own time
When I know better, I do better. My wish is that others do the same.